What You Need to Know Before Buying Vintage Persian Rugs

You probably imagine ornate, intricately designed, colourful Persian rugs when you think of rugs. They at once infuse a sense of prestige, tradition, culture and sophistication to any space. So, if you consider buying Persian rugs for your Melbourne home or office space, you’ll reflect a touch of finesse in your decor. However, since there are so many sources and shops with Persian rugs for sale, it might seem like a daunting task to understand the intricacies to make sure that you invest in an authentic Persian rug in Melbourne.
In this article, we‘ll try to enumerate the various factors that make Persian rugs, well, Persian rugs and give you important tips to help you become a discerning buyer. At Silk Road Handmade Rugs, we have honed our knowledge and expertise on Persian rugs in Melbourne for many decades. An important aspect to note is the imperfect nature of vintage Persian rugs for sale. The term vintage lends itself to one-of-kind products, and authentic Persian vintage rugs would have more age on them, infusing character through their colour variation and minor faults.
A Persian Rugs backside has a story to tell:
When you are considering buying a vintage Persian rug for your Melbourne home, look first to its backside. Vintage rugs have value and worth because of their originality, craftsmanship, and quality material that has endured the test of time. A well maintained and quality vintage Persian rug should have minimal repairs and patches on the back. Minor updates or repairs are acceptable, but huge patches are a complete no-no.
The top surface should be examined for these things:
Persian rugs for sale, both new and vintage, are available in the market. There are chances for new (less than a few years old) Persian rugs to be passed off as vintage. That’s why it is important to check the rugs front surface for signs of patchy wear. A worthy investment in vintage Persian rugs is when they have been evenly worn all over the entire field of the rug, without obvious patches.
Look for the patina:
Persian rugs in Melbourne that can be considered vintage should have a layer of natural sheen over the top surface. Just like antiques, Persian rugs also develop patina due to the fatty fibres and the usage over the years. Sometimes you can also see a silky smooth appearance. The patina makes the vintage look and feel authentic.
Check the ends of the rug:
The ends and corners of the Persian rug in Melbourne are the first to show signs of wear out. When the rug fringes unravel, it is most often rebound to repair. However, if the ends of the vintage Persian rugs for sale that you plan to buy have been neglected while the fringes unravelled, some dealers tend to refringe the whole rug. It is called cutting back the rug, and the authenticity is compromised by doing so. And we’d suggest you stay away from such items.
Look for natural colour aging:
With vintage Persian rugs in Melbourne, the craftsmanship and colouring are to be checked. Since most custom made rugs, especially Persian rugs fibres are coloured with natural organic dyes, they age differently - the colour stays intact but looks mellow and not faded.
Bend test the rug:
You can verify their authenticity with authentic Persian rugs for sale in Melbourne by bending the rug. If you hear a crackling sound, then it’s not good. The sound means that the foundation of the rugs, its warp and weft fibres have been damaged.
Check whether the rug sits flat on the ground surface:
The woollen fibres develop ripples when rugs get damaged by water or haven’t been washed properly. These ripples will not allow the rug to sit flat on the surface, and they are best avoided.
Buy from a reputed and experienced dealer:
At Silk Road Handmade Rugs, we have a legacy of authenticity and wish to uphold the craftsmanship, tradition, and culture intertwined with our Persian rugs for sale in Melbourne. We have authentic vintage rugs that check on all the important factors.
We invite you to explore custom-made Persian rugs for sale in Melbourne on our online platform and call us for any further queries.
- Alex Ahmadyar